Thursday, December 18, 2008

The fog

It was a beautiful foggy day today, so I decided to take a few pictures on the way to work.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Recursively remove .svn directories

It seems I regularly need to remove all the .svn directories from a directory structure. It would be nice if this function to disconnect a directory structure was built into svn, but since it is not, I usually use this command from the root of the project directory structure:

rm -rf `find . -name .svn`

Thursday, June 5, 2008

You talk better than you fool

One of my favorite Simpson's quotes:

Bart: You're going down, Homer. I'm gonna fool you!
Homer: You talk better than you fool.
Bart: I'll fool you up real nice.
Homer: You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Finding stuff in jars

My coworker gave me a nice command to use when looking for certain classes in a set of jar files. This will recursively process each jar file in the current directory, and list the contents in search_jars.txt

find . -name \*jar -exec unzip -l {} \; > search_jars.txt

Then you can look in search_jars to find out where class files or other stuff is coming from.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Setting local maven repository

Maven has a convenient property that can be used to set the location of the local maven repository. It can be passed as a parameter using the "-D" option.

mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/path/to/local/repo install

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Accented Characters in Linux

I normally use Fedora for my day to day work, and I wanted to be able to type accented characters, specifically French accent marks like in the words "très" and "ça va". It took me a good bit of searching before I found an easy way to do this so I thought I could share the information here.

I found this page on Accented_Characters, but the "Alt Gr" didn't seem to work for me. Eventually I found a hint on the ubuntu forums and was able to find the Fedora equivalent.

So here is the solution (using Fedora 7):

Go to System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Keyboard, select the Layout Options tab, expand "Compose key position" and choose your preference (I chose the right Alt-key). This seems to make the compose key into the "Alt Gr" key on the other page I found.

So now things like (Alt + `, e) will give me è. Have a look at the wikipedia entry for additional information on using the compose key.